For any questions, please call City Hall at 405-788-4751. We ask for your patience as we continue to navigate this matter with our small staff.
Lead and Copper Service Lines (jpg)
DownloadOpen today | 07:30 am – 11:30 am |
What a busy few months here in McLoud! Thanks to our amazing community partners we have seen some great things happening. Commissioner Dennis of Pottawatomie County District 1 and her wonderful crew have been working very hard in McLoud digging out and patching some of our worst roads. They have also completely re-graveled Stevens Road.
Our friends at Pioneer Library and McLoud Library have hosted a number of events in the city including an eclipse viewing party and plan to kick off their summer programs at Veteran’s Park on June 6th starting at 11am.
Our partners, the McLoud Friends of the Park, have been diligently searching for funding for your Veteran’s Park. I am thrilled to announce that the Pottawatomie County Commissioners have awarded $100,000 in economic development funding to the Friends for a major project in the park. I would like to thank all of the individuals with that organization for their contributions to our amazing park.
The McLoud Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for this years Blackberry Festival with the theme of “Celebrating our Blackberry Era.” As always, this is a huge event for our community, and I would like to thank our Chamber volunteers for putting in countless hours of work to make this event happen each and every year.
As far as the city officials and employees, we have been working hard for you as well. You may have noticed around town some new signs on our buildings. This was one of Mayor McClures ideas that council approved a few months ago. We believe these unified signs display our logo proudly as to say, “we are one.” All our departments have a great working relationship and are here for one common goal, to serve you, the citizens of McLoud.
Our PWA crew has also been working hard alongside the county crew performing road maintenance. We are also excited to announce that the McLoud City Council has approved ARPA expenditures for some amazing new road maintenance equipment. We have received our new 4-ton pothole patching trailer and our new 10,000 lb roller will be here within the next 2 weeks. Also helping make additional road repairs will be the CDBG grant. We were awarded $300,000 to pair with our $200,000 in matching funds. This means we will be contracting out a half-million dollars in road work for Thomas and Jarmon!
We are looking forward to a busy summer here in the City of McLoud and a new fiscal year in July!
As always, thanks for being "McLoud Proud!"
We are proud to announce that our new extrication equipment is here and ready for use! Chief Jenkins and his firefighters spent the afternoon learning the new equipment. We would like to thank the McLoud City Council for this purchase and I assure you that these tools in the hands of our firefighters will save lives.
Cody Roe
Cynthia Wayman
Monica Poindexter
Dasha Belflower